Sunday, June 3, 2012

Top 5 End of the World movies with tsunamis

End of the world movies deal with numerous world ending events. Tsunamis are the most frightening natural disaster because the massive waves can travel in excess of 1,000 mph and destroy everything in their path. Earthquakes, volcanoes, comets, asteroids, and meteors are capable of creating powerful tsunamis.

The top 5 end of the world movies with tsunamis deliver crashing waves. These tsunami spectacles are shocking displays of killer waves causing widespread destruction. Many dreamers experience tsunami dreams. They immediately connect their tsunami dream to predicting earthquakes and tsunamis.

The top 5 end of the world movies with tsunamis:
  1. Deep Impact (in our opinion, this is the best tsunami in movies)
  2. 2012 (several tsunamis - China, Washington D.C., Pacific Ocean, and India)
  3. Armageddon (Southeast Asia tsunami)
  4. The Day After Tomorrow (New York City tsunami)
  5. 2022 Tsunami (Thai movie)
Tsunami scenes involve special digital effects to recreate a tsunami. In 2004, the world witnessed the most powerful tsunami in world history - a wave that traveled 10,000 miles and killed over 200,000+ people. In the 5 movies above, the tsunamis wreak havoc.

We nominate Deep Impact as the best end of the world movie with a killer tsunami. A comet pummeled into Earth's atmosphere at 28,000 MPH, and then smashed into the mid-Atlantic Ocean with a force of a thousand nuclear missiles. The deep impact created massive tsunamis projecting into three directions - Eastern United States, Western Africa and northernmost U.K. region.

Watch the top 5 end of the world movies with tsunamis and natural disasters. Click on image thumbnails above to purchase the movies at Amazon.      

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