In the 1959 end of the world movie The World, the Flesh, and the Devil, Harry Belafonte, Inger Stevens, and Mel Ferrer represent the last three people surviving a post-apocalyptic world. Ralph Button (Harry Belafonte) is trapped inside a mine for several days. A rescue crew attempt to retrieve Ralph, but the search ceases without any warning.
Ralph is forced to dig his way out of the hole. He finds a deserted world after a nuclear holocaust destroyed everything in sight. Venturing off to New York City to find life, Ralph manages to come across a woman Sarah Crandall (Inger Stevens) who also survived the nuclear holocaust. Another male survivor, Benson Thacker (Mel Ferrer) joins Ralph and Sarah.
Ralph, a black man, and Benson, a white guy, fight between their racial differences. Conflict in an end of the world environment is expected. However, racism represented a major social struggle in the time this end of the world film released into movie theaters back in 1959. End of the world movies deal mostly with survival and rebuilding.
The World, the Flesh, and the Devil is an excellent classic end of the world movie. You can purchase the movie below to watch a movie in the same category as I Am Legend. Have fun watching the end of the world as we know it.
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